Atma Alchemy

Yoga Massage Meditation

yoga zoom

Update on yoga for the next few months

ashtanga, Beginners yoga, online support, Yoga, outside yogaLisa Upton

Very excited to announce the new spring/Summer classes while social distancing

Zoom Classes

will begin week commencing May 18th for 6 weeks (22nd June)

( The courses will be £45.00 per household ) or £10 drop in

Schedule as follows

Monday 6.30pm Beginners yoga

Tuesday 7.30pm-8.30pm Men only Yoga

Wednesday 7pm-8pm Ashtanga yoga

The above is paid by bank transfer or paypal please

Outside Classes (to be confirmed)

Friday afternoon 1.30pm -2,30pm outside yoga

(adhoc weather permitting)

Sands/Seale area £10 per person prebook as limited spaces as 2m apart

Saturday Morning outside yoga 11am

(adhoc weather permitting)

Sands/Seael area prebook as limited spaces £10 per person

Please email me if interested in any of these classes, and i can send further details

One to one outside classes and Zoom classes available

£45 per 60 minutes Zoom or £65.00 outside class (your garden with 2m distance )

Distant Reiki healing available too

MSG for more info x

outside yoga.jpg

May and June Yoga annoucments

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Business Address:64 Quarry Street,Guildford,Surrey,GU1 3UA, GB |Tel: 07808 857 908 |Email:
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